The name Illyrians includes many tribes that inhabited the east coast of the Adriatic Sea and its hinterland. Illyrians, and they knew their territory, but also Greeks, whose traders established settlements on the islands and the coast, but with Rome comes to military operations aimed at territorial expansion, and the first intervention in this area it 229 BC. which begins the first Illyrian war. Until the final submission ardijejske kingdom, there was the defeat of King Gencija third Illyrian War 168 BC
Ten years ago, 177 BC. ., The fall was subdued Nezakcija Histria, an important border provinces, and another part of the Adriatic won the 129 BC submission Liburnia .
The "hardest" Illyrians, Delmats, Rome is trying to defeat all of the 156 BC. But finally winning Delmati territory comes only with Octavian 27 BC. A series of uprisings Delmati are still trying to regain independence, but the victory of Rome 9th BC. marked the final defeat of the Illyrians and the beginning of the third phase of the residence of the Roman army in the region, ending the departure of the legions from Dalmatia 86 BC, In which these regions were subjected to the process of Romanization.
Establishment of the colony Korkyra in today's island of Corfu in the eighth century BC.Kr. , Inhabitants of the Greek polis of Corinth opened the way to the northern Adriatic Sea. EstablishmentEpidamna - Dira later in the 7th century BC.Kr. and Apollonia in the 6th st continues the expansion to the north.Expansion of trade in Greek colonists coming in contact with the Illyrian tribes, and transmit the first information about the Illyrians, which mark the entry of these people in history. Travelogues preserved in the so-called. Pseudo Skilakovom periplu from the 4th century . talk about the Illyrians, who lived between the waterfalls (Katarbates) to a height of Corfu in the south, and north of River Falls in the coastal belt of live standing Liburni. In periplu alleged Greek colonies on the eastern Adriatic coast. According to these data, they were the islands Pharos (dan.Hvar) and Issa (Vis) with cities, Proteras (Tragyras?) Krateiai (Brac), Olynta (Solta), Melita (Mljet),Korkyra Melaina (Black Corcyra - Korcula), a peninsula (probably Peljesac), River Narona ( Neretva), Arion (HEPP near Dubrovnik?) Rizunt (Bay of Kotor) and Bouthae (Budva).
Diodorus Sikulski (Diod.XV, 13, 14) in 1 ct.Kr. states that the settlement was established in today's Hvar 385th / 4 BC.Kr. (Dated by the Athenian archon, Roman consul and the Olympics) and that the colony founded by the Syracusans Issa and those on island Kniđani.Strabo (Strab.VII, 315) states that the Isejci founded Tragurion (Trogir), and by Polibiju(Polyb.XXXII, 18) and Epetion(Stobreč).Greek inscription from the island of Korcula Lumbarde about tamošnjoj Greek settlement. While the Greek merchants sailed the Adriatic, founding colonies, formed the Apennine peninsula, forming the future mighty Roman Empire.
Etruscan conquest Veja early 4BCRoman expansion begins on the Apennine peninsula. In search of fertile land, the Romans attacked Kampani and start a war with Samnićanima. The first Samnite war, within a victory of Rome 341BC. and winning most of the fertile Campania. Victory in the so-called. Latin War 340 – 338BC brings power of Latium, a victory in the second Samnite War 304th BC. confirmed the dominance of Rome over its neighboring nations, as well as those of the Etruscans, and some of the Italic tribes, ending the third war samnitskog 298 to 290 BC
The expansion takes place towards the north - 283 BC Rome wins and some areas of Gallic tribes, pushing the boundaries to the River Rubicon, soon overwhelmed the area of Apulia and Lucania in the south. Career cities are organized as municipia or as a colony.
The war against Tarentum, Greek colonies in southern Italy, who calls for help, and the king of Epirus Pira, within a victory of Rome 272 BC By the 270 BC Rome won the entire Apennine peninsula south, thus becoming the master category of Arno and Rubicon in the north to the far south of the peninsula. At the beginning of the first Punic War 264 BC This area of the Roman republic, but with the end of the war 241 BC State outside the boundaries beyond the peninsula.This is the first Roman provinces - the islands of Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica. Carthage, the main enemy of Rome, becoming once again the goal of Roman military operations, but Mr 218 BC. But in the meantime, more powerful and more states made the first steps on the eastern coast of the Adriatic.
For the whole of the eastern Adriatic coast and the hinterland lived Illyrian tribe. Speaking about the so-called. Illyrian wars, it is important to emphasize that the peoples of the settled area of southern Illyria.
Southernmost, Atintani were neighbors of Epirus, a settled area of the right bank Aoja, on the southeastern path to earth Haonaca, and thus towards Thessaly.
The following Partini, valley Škumbi (Genuz), on the road from Lake Ohrid to Epidamna and Apollonia. Among these people live Dasareti, between the river and the Eight Demell to Lake Ohrid. Potential residents and DasaretidePirusti and Enheleji , and Titus Livy (Titus Livius XLII, 18-20) north of Dasareta locates Peneste. Northward to the area is Škumbi Taulanata, which extends to the valley of the River Mati to Sjeverum in the hinterland of the Greek Epidamna.Labeati, headquartered in Skodri, inhabited the area between Lisa (Lissos the day.Corpse) in the south to Meteona (dan. Medun near Podgorica) in the north.
On the right bank of the Neretva River, according to Strabo (Strabo VII, 5, 7) north of the Gulf Rizonskog, live Ardiaei. It was ardijejski dynastic those who come into conflict with Rome.
In the fall of 231 BC. ardijejski King Agron dies, and the throne as regent on behalf of his minor son Pines enters his wife, Teuta. For its rule Illyrian piracy is becoming more common sailors along the coast and the islands of the eastern Adriatic coast guessing even Elis and Messenia, and the city haonijski Fenike (Phoinike). Tired of the constant attacks, the inhabitants of Isse seeking help from Rome. The Senate is trying to seek diplomatic means to stop piracy and Teutina Palace 230 BC sends two deputies, Gaius and Lucius Korunkanija, accompanied isejskog Kleemporosa Greeks. Deputies, and encourage the incident near the town Fenike, where they captured the real italic, seek suspension of pirate attacks on the Italian and Greek ships, however, Teuta responded that it was only a matter of individual, independent, sovereign, and therefore rejects the demands. Failed to return deputies attacked from ambush, whereby they killed the Roman and Grecian ambassador. Teuta refuses to deliver a killer, a Rome announces rat Illyrian kingdom, engaging in the first intervention in the eastern Adriatic coast - the first Illyrian war.
In the spring of 229 BC Teutina fleet attack Corcyra, and won the battle off the island of Corfu near Paks, and the inhabitants of Corcyra as a commander imposes Demetrius Farskog, Greeks from Pharos in the service of the Illyrians. The Roman army left Brundizij (Brundisium the day.Brindisi) and a fleet of 200 ships under the command Gneja Fulvija Centumala and 20 000 soldiers and 2000 cavalry under the command of Lucius Postumija Albina over the Adriatic. Arriving in front of Corcyra, a fleet Gneja Fulvija awaiting delivery Demetrius Farskog, soon followed by the conquest of Apollonia and Epidamna, major ports, a wartime alliance of Rome seek and mission Partina and Atintana. Teuta retreats in the spring of 228 BC conclude a peace treaty with Rome. By contract, the kingdom is divided into three parts: the coastal territory under FARA and Ise Faroe Demetrius, the Roman protectorate - Luke Corcyra, Apollonia, Epidamno island and Issa tribe Partina and Atintana and inland to Dasaretide, Dardanians and Macedonian territory around Lake Ohrid Pines left, in whose favor Teuta had to abdicate. Illyrians were also forced to pay tribute, and more than two Illyrian ships not to sail south of Lisa. Rome has so successfully started the conquest of the Illyrian territories occupied strategically important port, but the land route to Epirus and Thessaly river valleys.
After the war, Demetrius Faroe expanding its influence, marriage to Pinesovu Triteutu mother, manages to unite the two parts of the former ardijejskog kingdom, and Appian (Illyrian wars 8) reported that Atintane was persuaded to abandon the alliance with Rome. Rome j e busy Gala intrusions and the fear of Carthage, against which will soon go to war (Second Punic War, two hundred and eighteenth to two hundred and first BC.). Demetrius therefore decides to leave Rome as soon as Teuta, and joined the Hellenic Association of the Macedonian king Dosona Antigone, thus violating the league with Rome.
In the summer of 220 BC. Demetrius takes 50 Lemba (Illyrian ships), together with 40 under the command Skerdilaida Lemba, a member of the royal family of the Illyrian, south of Lisa, and engages in piracy in the Cyclades, while Skerdilaid covenant first with Etolcima, then with the Macedonians. Obviously, a breach of the provisions of the peace from 228BC. elicits Rome, who decides to deal with the situation in the east before the card becomes a threat to the war.
Roman army led by the consuls Lucius Aemilius Paulus and Mark Livy Salinatorom 219 BC come before the fortification of smoke, which, after only seven days of siege fall. Demetrius fled to Faros, but this was soon defeated and fled with the Macedonian king Philip V, heir Antigone Dosona. Settlement of the 219 BC confirmed the terms of peace from the 228 BC. Or confirmed areas of the protectorate, and former estates abandoned Demetrius Pines. Pines dies 217 BC Skerdilaid and assumes the throne, a Roman ally, which is the unfulfilled promise of Philip V broke the alliance with the Macedonians and then returned to Illyria.
215 BC Macedonia has concluded an alliance with warring Carthage, which became a pretext for the so-called. First Macedonian War. In the summer of 214 Mr. Roman army under the command of Marcus Valerius Levin takes Orik, which is Philip V. to win at first, and break the siege of Apollonia and Philip V. returned to Macedonia.However, next year Macedonians managed to conquer some parts of the Roman protectorate, except Orika, Apollonia and Dira. On the conquest of Rome by forming the corresponding anti coalition, which became part of the Skerdilaid, once an ally of Macedonia and his son Pleurat, and they just won Lissos 209 BC.
206 BC Roman army was composed of 35 warships, 10,000 infantry and a thousand horsemen, led by proconsul Publius Sempronius unloaded in Dirah, and Philip V after the siege of smoke and try to win Apollonius signs 205 BC. Peace Fenike. Rome remains a protectorate of the important ports, and the Illyrian throne sits a Roman ally Pleurat.
About the 181 BC Pleuratov son inherits the throne Gencije, whose kingdom extends from Delmata territory in the north to the Roman protectorate in the south-west and Macedonia in the east, 179th that of g. Government Perseus.Gencije trying to restore the lost independence and conclude an alliance with Persia ejem 172 BC Including the way in third Macedonian war begins 171 BC Initial successes break Perseus Roman victory that the lipid in the Gulf of Salonika in June 168th g. pr.Kr. achieved by the consul Lucius Aemilius Paulo. Struggle in Illyria takes praetor Lucius Anicije Galo where the capital of the Illyrian state 168 BC Gencije surrender. [40]
Lucy Anicije announces withdrawal of the Roman army and the provisions of the agreement, by which the citizens of Ise, Taulant, Pirusti, Daorsi and residents Rizona and Ulcinija free and exempt from taxes (Liber et immunes) as they move to the side of Rome, while residents Skodra, Dasarenzi, Selepitani other the Illyrians Rome must pay taxes amounting to half of that under Gencijem. The Illyrian kingdom is divided into three d ijela, Illyria and the area comes under the authority of the Roman people - sub dicione populi Romani (Liv., XLIV, 23; Polyb., XXX, 2).[ Lucy Anicije celebrated the triumph with a booty of 27 libri gold, 19 silver, Libri, 13 000 120 000 pence and the Illyrian silver (Titus Livy XLV, 43) and Gencije was captured.Thus, within its own Illyrian kingdom, no other Illyrian tribes continue to struggle with Rome.
3.FIGHTING Histrians
Although the southern Apennine peninsula long ago conquered, Rome is still struggling with the northern borders. Raids Celtic tribes and anti-Cenomanian, Insubra, Veneta, and others, exhausted the Roman forces in the battles around the strategically important and fertile valleys Padske. In order to consolidate the border to the east at least, the Senate decided to establish a colony in a well-protected lagoon, and j e 181 BC. founded Aquileia (Aquileia).Important for control of border areas, Aquileia causes resistance to the neighbors and the same year, riots broke out Histri, who inhabited the area from the Rasa River in the east, to the rivers to the north and northwest Veneta in. The rebellion was crushed, and Aquileia soon serve as a starting point for action against Histrians by 178 BC. Water Consul Aulo Manlije Vulson led two legions with which Timavskog encamped near the lake. The protection of the western Adriatic coast north of Ancona p reuzimaduumvir Navalis Furies, who doplovivši the port at Štinjan brings reinforcement forces Manlija Vulsona located in the hinterland, near the village Gorjanskog (now in Slovenia) and auxiliary forces, which include 3000 Gals, located near the village Mokorini.The first attack on Histrians insufficiently prepared the camp was very successful, as Roman armies flee in panic towards the sea, with the exception of the tribunes of the Third legion of Marcus Licinius Strabo Histri which sees in the camp with a small part of the Roman forces. But while Histri left to drink and celebrate success, to transmit Titus Livy (Liv., XLI, 3), Roman army assembles and moves to conquer the camp and what succeeds, killing around 8000 Histrians.
Rome will soon respond to the battle is not very successful and as a reinforcement Manliju Vulsonu sent consul Marcus Junius Brutus, with a warrant to collect the unit Gala and Roman and Latin veterans Padske Valley. Upon arrival in Aquileia, Junius Brutus dismisses Gallic units and goes in the direction Histria headed veteran. On this news is breaking ranks Histrian and consuls are drawn in Aquileia.
Failures Manlija Vulsona encourage the Senate to replace, so Histrians assigned to the consul Gaius Claudius Pulheru end 178. BC Pulher comes into office at the March Ide 177. BC as head of two legions at 5200 infantry, 22,400 infantry and 1200 cavalry of the Allied forces and ten ships (Liv., XLI, 1 -3).
Pulherova Before taking office, consuls, and Marcus Junius Aulo Manlije taking campaign in Histrians, and after the devastation of the country elicits Histrians. The battle, it is assumed held around Tergestike (dan. Trieste), inflicted heavy losses in Histrian ranks, which should agree to sign peace and give hostages, admitting virtually Histria Roman conquest. Resistance, however, still retains the Nesactium, where he retired Histrian Epulon king with the army. Then the proconsul, Aulo Manlije and Marcus Junius used the situation - namely Pulher must be received by the Consuls of honor in Rome - and goes to conquer the fortress, but Pulher catches up and forces them to return to Aquileia. I Pulher engages in a siege, during which even turns flow stream that flows along the walls to prevent the town's water supply (Čiv., XLI, 11, 3). Histri giving up the fight, but before handing themselves kills women and children, not wanting to fall into the hands of the Romans, and King Epulon kills the sword. Fall Nezakcija remain unbowed two works, and Mutilate Faveria, but not for long.
Abundant prey - about 5600 slaves, recognition of Roman rule by subjugated tribes Histria and killed the leader of the same Senate were sufficient reason to grant Claudius Pulheru triumph over standing Liguria.
Histria conquest and the fall of the Illyrian state 168 BC within the first phase of Roman expansion on the coast and the hinterland of the eastern Adriatic and remained under Roman rule as an important agricultural area, and a holiday destination, which is subject to the rule of Octavian, all the stronger the process of Romanization, since 16. BC separately from the formation of strong Aquileia X. Italic region.
Histria winning and before that country Gencijeve Rome came into possession of important parts of the eastern Adriatic coast, but has not won on the field Libur Delmata.Liburnija extended from the Rasa River in the north - the border with Histrians - to River Falls in the south, and included the islands.
The first Roman invasion to the country Liburna (Pliny, Hist. Nat., III, 19, 129) was one of the 129 BC When the consul Gaius Sempronius Tuditan led campaign against Japodes while subdued Taurisci, Karni Liburnians came to River Falls.
Liburni not offered fierce resistance to Roman expansion as their Illyrian neighbors Delmati even Caesar sought help when their 51 BC. Delmati seized Promonu (dan.Tepljuh) and war are part of the Roman units against Delmata.[
Attempt at secession from the Roman government records Dion Cassius (Cass.Dio., XLIX,34, 2), but Liburni fleet in the Kvarner Bay (Sinus Flanaticus) defeated Marko Vipsanius Agrippa - seized boats are a part of the Roman fleet, Liburnija becomes part of the province of Dalmatia, and Liburnska freedom forever disappear.
5.Wars against Delmats
Southern boundary conquered Liburnia was with Delmatae, Illyrian tribes that are no longer resisted Roman expansion. Country Delmata spread between rivers and waterfalls and Titius Hippus- Cetina, with fortifications Delminium(dan.Age) as the main gr Adom, and the works were important and Burnum - later the seat XI. Legion, and Tilurium - seat VII. Legion.
Pirate ventures Delmata caused the complaint and Isejaca Daors, who recognized the authority of Rome and the Senate must respond to demand and does so by sending a delegation headed by the grove Fanijem 158 BC Arriving at Delminium, the mission welcomed the rejection, and attacked and were killed and Issian daorski escorts .The attack is understood as a provocation and Rome soon to match the war.
156 BC Consul Gaius Marcius Figulus trying to conquer Delmata with Narona as a starting point (dan. Vid of Metkovic), but was soon defeated. In early winter Figulus again and trying to siege fortified Delminio, but the winning city finished 155 BC Consul Publius Cornelius Scipio Nazika and celebrated the triumph of "de Dalmateis. He finished that first war against Delmata, but Rome for a long time is not quite subdued this nation.
129 BC consuls Lucius Caecilius Metellus and Lucius Cornelius Kota move in a campaign against Japodes, they manage to win Segestica and divide it, while Kota goes to Italy, and Metel in the salon. The Salons are friendly received and until the 117 BC still leaves the prey of which builds Kastorov temple of the same year it celebrates the triumph and gets the adjective Delmaticus.
Delmati still not giving up the Salone and won the 78 BC. But after two years it takes proconsul Gaius Koskonije. After the conquest of the city, starting Italic stronger inflow of immigrantswho reside in Narona since the expedition of the 155 BC.
Liburnska Promona was the next target Delmata, who won in alliance with other Illyrian tribes 51 BC The former proconsul of Illyricum, Julius Caesar, the Gauls occupied and Hispania, and first sent troops in an unsuccessful campaign, then the task štitenja Ilirika 49 BC entrusts legate Gaius Antonio , but soon became a priority conflict between Pompey and Caesar.Rebel Illyrian regions Caesar tries 48 BC calm down by posting with the title of Cornelius Kornificijaquaestor propraetore this same year, manages to take Promonu.
In winter, 48 / 47 BC. Kr. help Kornificiju with 3000 cavalry and 15 infantry cohorts by land along the coast are struggling Aulo Gabinije. Delmati intercepted him and inflicted a heavy blow at Sinodija (according to legend, of unknown origin on a knoll near the Church of St..George, where there are brick Illyrian), in a battle in 2000 which killed the Roman soldiers, 38 and 4 tribune centurion, and seized both signals. The rest of the defeated army withdrew at the Salon.
Mark Octavia, former Pompey legacy, trying to use Delmata in his attempt to conquer Illyrian regions, but from the Salone him push Publius Vatinius who arrived to help Kornificiju led the fleet which went from Brundizija (dan. Brindisi).Final defeat octave Vatinius sets in the ISI, where Octavia surrender after defeat in battle near the island of Tauris(dan.Šćedro).Issa loses its status and becomes an ally of the Roman municipality.
Publius Vatinius comes 46 BC. in Illyria, at the head of three legions and with horsemen, and is placed in Narona expecting Caesar to accept the conditions by Delmata - to pay tribute and the surrender of the hostages in exchange for amnesty attempts independence. Delmati not accept these terms by the 45 Vatinius engages in war, which manages to win six forts before retiring due to winter conditions, and 42 BC celebrates the triumph of "de IlluRico.
After Caesar's death, Delmati manage to suppress the Vatinius Dira and winning Salon and Adriatic coast. The division of the country, between Octavian and Mark Antony, Octavian, Illyria was annexed, who just left to Asa king POLION. 39 BC Azinije POLION moving from Aquileia to earth Delmata. Wins Salon and obeys Partine, and collected from the spoil of Rome built the first public library. Son in honor and victory given the nickname Saloninus.
Soon, 36 BC, and I Octavian takes legions of new anti nepokorenih Illyrians. Appian(App., Ill.. 16) the names of subjugated tribes, and these are along the coast Oxyaei, Parthenati, Bathiati, Cambaei, Kinambri, Meromeni, Pyrisei in the hinterland Docleati, Carni, Interfrurini, Naresii, Glinditiones. It also prevents piracy inhabitants of Melita and the Black Corcyra and Liburnii confiscated boats. 35t BC moving against Japodes, whose capital Metulum(dan.Čakovac)won even though while wounded, and retired to Rome, leaving in Siscia Fufija Gemina from 25 cohorts to quell the rebellion.
The next year Octavian returned to this area and over Japodije and Liburnija Delmats come up and joined the army, which commands the Vipsanius Agrippa. Verzi Delmati leader is defined as Promoni, but using a different commander, Testinusa not come because it prevents the Roman army, and must submit Verzi. Army leadership takes Statilije Tauro, haunting Sets. In the city there is famine, which forced Delmata to surrender and accept the terms of Octavian - paying tribute, surrender signalsseized Aulu Gabinete 700, and giving young man in a hostage.
Octavian during the war, which ends the second phase of Roman expansion Roman settlers formed associations (conventus), of which the most important one in Narona and Salons, and it's also Caesar tried to strengthen the position of the Italic population so it gives the status of colony cities Salons, Iadera Narona and Pula, and his prokonzulata formed and conventus in Salona.
Octavian was given the country the Senate on 27 BC. And the Illyrian areas become susceptible to all the stronger romanization. So they seized the land subject to measurement and became ager publicus.I Illyria gets the status of the imperial province, run by Legatus Augusti December praetore Dalmatiae , a subdued Delmati left traces in the name of the province -Delmatia, as it is officially called (Dio.Cass. LIII, 12, 8).
A few small uprisings, such as one which is 11 and 10 BC. Tiberius suppressed, did not bring change, and ultimately brings obedience to crush known as Batonianum bellum, which lasted from 6 to 9 AD With this win is lost and the last track Delmati but Illyrian independence, and the Illyrian regions under jected to the process of Romanization, in which the key role the Roman army.Military activity is evident especially in the construction of road networks, where they had a key role legions stationed in Burnum Tilurium and, at key positions associated with the interior centers on the coast of essential military supplies. The main road from Salona, the capital of the province, began in August, but this and four other road was built during the reign of Emperor Tiberius governor Publius Cornelius Dollabela, with the help of soldiers VII. and IX. Legion. Dollabela also made a cadastral map, so called. Dollabeliana form, which is kept in the Salons, the governor's headquarters, and which contained the exact boundaries between the tribes and communities peregrina, free men without the Roman civil law. Roman soldiers were built and water supplies, bridges, towers and walls of the Salone, Iadera and other cities, and organized the production of bricks, tiles, dishes, and participated in municipal councils and kolonijskim. Legion and auxiliary cohorts leave the province of Dalmatia during the first century, a departure IV. Flavia felix from Burnum 86 BC.Dalmatia becameprovincia inermis, but the influence of the Roman army, which carried the process of Romanization, marking this area forever.
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